
Kwekwe ignites positive growth through innovation, diversity, agility, and a Batho Pele mindset.

We operate a sustainable, progressive company that delivers financial returns to our shareholders while achieving and improving our societal and environmental obligations. We aim to solve the most significant problems on our continent through innovation, collaboration, and disruption.

Investment Strategy

Our long-term strategy: develop a balanced portfolio of diversified business units to ensure sustainable market and capital growth with significant shareholder Return On Investment (ROI).

Our strategy relies on four key factors:

Targeted investment and collaboration in large-scale, industrial projects
We will invest and partner in projects aligned with governments’ economic stimulus and developmental plans. The main thrust of these projects is sustainable farming, mining, energy, and telecommunications.
Accelerated growth in reserves and resources
Kwekwe Investments focuses on exploring, acquiring, and developing base metals, ferrous, and nonferrous metals into a comprehensive portfolio. We are creating an extensive pipeline of in-house mineral reserves and resources through successful exploration campaigns and mineral resources development programs.
Focus on projects with high Total Shareholder Return (TSR)
Kwekwe targets operations and projects with a sizable Internal Rate of Return (IRR), which is congruent with the asset's risk profile.
Define bespoke Value Creation Indexes (VCI) as our benchmarks
We utilise operational and financial performance as our main VCIs. Our starting point is to invest primarily in South African assets within industries with long-term positive growth trajectories and rigorously proven performance benchmarks.
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The Key Strategy Accelerator: Innovation

The main ingredient in Kwekwe’s long-term recipe for success and sustainable growth is a progressive, disruption-led mindset. It unlocks value across the whole portfolio. We collaborate with leading technology and innovation partners to deliver industry-leading value chain solutions that ensure above-average margins and returns. We’re building a thriving, future-proof Africa through our mining, energy, and telecommunications portfolios.

The Key Strategy Accelerator: Innovation

The main ingredient in Kwekwe’s long-term recipe for success and sustainable growth is a progressive, disruption-led mindset. It unlocks value across the whole portfolio. We collaborate with leading technology and innovation partners to deliver industry-leading value chain solutions that ensure above-average margins and returns. We’re building a thriving, future-proof Africa through our mining, energy, and telecommunications portfolios.

The Kwekwe Operational Model

We strive for peerless operational excellence and maintain a disciplined approach to capital allocation. Our model is iterative and dynamic – it supports our quest to become the most versatile and technologically advanced company on the continent, and it’s founded on continuous improvement and harnessing the latest technologies. This model is underpinned by a robust marketing and corporate strategy that starts with fully understanding our client’s needs.